Public Scholarship
Bible History Daily - “Did the Ancient Israelites Think Children were People?”
Interview on Women Biblical Scholars website
OUPblog - “American Personhood in the Era of Trump,”
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Major Articles
“Genocide in Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish Sources.”
With Seth Richardson. “Genocide in Mesopotamia in the Bronze and Iron Ages.”
With Ben Kiernan and Tristan Taylor. “Introduction,” Cambridge World History of Genocide, Volume 1.
*NEW* With Breath and Bludgeon: Violence, Weaponry, and the Limits of Resistance in Isaiah​
"Shame and Mutilation of Enemies in the Hebrew Bible"
"Where There Is Dirt, Is There System?: Revisiting Biblical Purity Constructions"
Whipping the Words of Ezekiel into His Own Back: A Conversation on Portraying Biblical Violence
"The Universal and the Particular: Mary Douglas and the Politics of Impurity"
"The Apotheosis of Rage: Divine Anger and the Psychology of Israelite Trauma"
"Were Israelite Women Chattel?: Shedding New Light on an Old Question"
“‘They Have Become Women’: Judean Diaspora and Postcolonial Theories of Gender and Migration.”
“The Emasculation of Exile: Hypermasculinity and Feminization in the Book of Ezekiel.”
A complete list of articles is available here